Checkpoint 1: Concept Doc (individual)


  1. Anticipation
  2. Amazement
  3. Pride




  1. A sequence of puzzles, where the answer to one leads to the ability to do another (similar to escape room), but you can go outside to get clues too, and the goal is to unlock the door to upstairs → fun with challenge, as you solve the puzzles, and narrative, as you figure out who you are through the puzzles
  2. Embedded narrative; the story is hidden through the various puzzles that the player must solve, and as they piece together who they are, the story is revealed (like a walking sim but more restricted to the first floor of the cottage/some parts of the outside area)
  3. Enacting narrative; act out the story of the main character’s identity, with room to act through various challenges spaced throughout the arc
  4. Start in bedroom, have to figure out clues from items in the room to open the door to the living room/kitchen
    1. Have a “bag”/inventory to keep track of collected items and help solve challenges
    2. Multi-sensory clues

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