Sketchnote: Game Architecture


Fruit Ninja

One game that I enjoy is the game Fruit Ninja. Fruit Ninja uses levels  with interaction loops and skills chain as its game architecture. As you progress on different levels of Fruit Ninja, you unlock more complex skills. You can go from slicing one fruit at a time to doing fruit combos where you slice 3 fruit at a time. If you go to a high enough level, you can slice dragonfruit for up to 40 fruit points at one time. The basic skill of slicing occurs at every level of the game (fast and frequent) whereas the dragonfruit happens every few rounds as you progress through levels of the game. However, the game doesn’t really have a narrative arc which means the game does not have as much staying power. Although I loved Fruit Ninja growing up due to the skills chain, it was easy to burn out of the game due to the lack of interaction arcs.


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