Critical Play: Bluffing, Judging and Getting Vulnerable – Ore

Name: Love Lingual: Card Game.

Creator: Love Lingual Games

Platform: Cards

Target Audience: Couples

The game began with a beautiful invitation to play in the prompt of the card.

There were several categories, from family to couples to individual to sex & Intimacy ( we didn’t do this one in our group) This game was unique in that there were an undefined amount of players. You could play it with 2 or up to as many as you wanted. Our player interaction pattern was moving clockwise, answering the question on the prompt, with all of us expanding on eachother.

The game was definitely a fellowship focused game, with each of us slowly getting to know eachother more. One example was a player being asked: “ what is something embarrassing that you don’t want people to know about you”, and she answered about her addiction to eating candy. We all laughed and shared some of our favorite things, and then when we later playtested her game, it was a point of connection between us. The game works because so much of what your doing is completely up to the group. The rules, the number of players, how many players answer each question, which types of questions are fair game, these are all completely up to group to go at their own pace. Which makes sense for a game that invites this level of closeness. It is sort of a reverse cards against humanity in that sense.  The game invited a level of closeness that was awesome for the random scenario that was the Durand 23 basement. I think that overall, it could’ve been made better with some concrete examples of different game patterns that you could use to make the question asking more interesting. But overall, it was solid. I’d recommend the game to anyone interested.


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