Visual Design of Games

The game I chose to analyze was FIFA by EA sports. A new version of the game is released annually, with the latest version being FIFA 2023. I particularly love the hyper realistic design of the game, and the crisp graphics, smooth animations/transitions and the overall design of the game make the visual design of the game particularly pleasing.

visual hierarchy: This is used to guide the viewer’s attention to the most important elements of the design, such as game scores, team standings, and player stats. For example, game scores are displayed in large, bold typeface at the top of the screen, while player stats are presented in smaller, secondary typeface

size: the game clock is also displayed in a large, bold typeface to create a sense of urgency, while team logos could be presented in a smaller size to create contrast with other elements on the screen.

color: This is used to represent different teams or to highlight certain elements of the design. For example, the use of different colored uniforms to show the different teams that are currently playing. There is also the use of different colored cards ie red and yellow cards to show the different penalties incurred during game play. Additionally, color is generally used to create contrast between different elements of the design, such as team logos and player stats.

Grid: game scores, team standings, and player stats are also aligned on a grid to create a sense of cohesion and order.

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