Game: Players put a prompt into genAI image generator. Based on the image, others guess the prompt?
Q1: Should we have a human judge/moderator to score this game?
- Why is it important?
- It’s unlikely that anyone would be able to guess the exact prompt. So, how do we ensure fairness in the game’s scoring.
- What type of prototype will you make to answer this question?
- Have a human role play as judge/moderator to select the closest/best matched guess.
- What is your guess about how it will turn out?
- A human moderator/judge will be a good way to control the pace and ease of use of the game for beginners. It should make the game fairer.
Q2: Should it be played in teams or by individuals in one vs many ?
- Why is it important?
- to incentivize the prompt generator to provide either an easy or difficult prompt, and to provide a clear motive or goal for the prompt generator. This can impact the fairness and competitiveness of the game.
- What type of prototype will you make to answer this question?
- Prototypes could include an individual model, where players win points for themselves every time their guess is closest to the actual prompt, or a team model, where the prompt generator generates a prompt for the opposing team.
- What is your guess about how it will turn out?
- The team model may work best because it creates a clear competitive aspect to each round and incentivizes prompt generators to create more difficult prompts.
Q3: Should people be provided prompts or generate their own prompts?
- Why is it important?
- It is important to find the right balance between creativity and structure in order to make the game enjoyable for both prompt generators and guessers. This can impact the success of the game and its popularity among players.
- What type of prototype will you make to answer this question?
- Prototypes could include allowing players to come up with prompts entirely on their own or pick prompts from a deck of cards. Another prototype could involve pre-selected categories, where the prompt generator selects a card for each category or comes up with their own word for each category.
- What is your guess about how it will turn out?
- The prototype with pre-selected categories may work best because it standardizes the difficulty across guesses and creates boundaries for both prompt generators and guessers, striking a balance between difficulty, standardization, creativity, and fun.
Q4: How long should the game be?
- Why is it important to answer when the game will end?
- It is important to set clear terms so players know what they are working towards and how much time they have left to defeat their opponents. This can impact the overall experience of the game.
- What type of prototype will you make to answer this question?
- Prototypes could include ending the game after a certain number of rounds or after a player or team receives a certain amount of points.
- What is your guess about how it will turn out?
- The prototype with a certain number of rounds may work best, as it prevents the prompt generator from being at a disadvantage and allows for fair play among all player