MDA & 8 Kinds of Fun

In League of Legends, you have a last hitting mechanic where players are forced to make a tradeoff between killing enemy laner opponents and last hitting minions. This tradeoff is present as killing minions allow players to gain gold which speeds up the rate at which players can acquire items, however killing an enemy layer grants a larger sum of gold while also allowing you to work on objectives. This makes the game more enjoyable for me as it adds complexity to the game compared to if the meta was to just one option or the other. With both these tradeoffs, players must constantly determine whether to lane and last hit minions or attempt to kill the enemy laner to have an easier time killing minions afterward. Futhermore, this mechanic also forces players to not only think about their micro play, but how their current actions now and the decisions they make will determine the outcome of the game at a macro level.

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