Working With System Dynamics | Yasmine Mitchell

The goal of our game (“Boba Bliss”) is to inspire players to start their own small business and teach them all of the different components and stakeholders that business owners have to consider. Our game values patience, careful planning, and taking care of your employees.

The central loop of our game is the preparation/open time cycle. Most of the player action happens during the preparation phase, where the player chooses what to put on the menu, what supplies to buy, what to set their prices to, etc. The “open time” phase is when the game reacts to what the player has done. The game runs a simulation where customers come into the restaurant and buy drinks. They will react differently based on their preferences (which include what teas they like, how much they’re willing to pay, etc). The player’s money and reputation are changed accordingly. After the end of the day, the preparation phase begins anew. 

The main arc of our game happens over the course of the 30 days the business is open. The player has been assigned as the heaven boba shop owner by the cat god, and their admittance into heaven is dependent on the success of their business.

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