These questions were made specifically with the state of our prototype currently:
- Are the phrase building cards intuitive, and is their role in facilitating the game easy to understand to all players (those who construct the phrases as well as those who act out the phrases)?
This is important since the creation of these phrases is the main mechanic that the teams in our game interact with. They are there to provide some ideas to work with, with the goal being the creative formation of fun actions for the other team to carry out. Currently, our prototype has a base set of cards with words that belong to different categories, and rules for what makes up a valid phrase/action that the other team carries out. We tried to include simple actions (i.e. jump, spin, etc) that could be modified with other prompts for complexity (i.e. “with a lasso”, “as if you have a stomachache”), testing to see if the functionality of the cards make sense and is fun for the players. Personally, I think this will turn out to be fun for players, but maybe with some hiccups in particular phrase combinations.
- What objects are feasible for players to hide? Will we need more “audible” objects (i.e. those that make noise with movement)? What objects work best for the game?
These questions center around the role of objects in our game, which involve one team hiding objects on their bodies/clothing. With the different action phrases that can be made, we need to see if it is possible to guess who has a particular hidden object. This can be hard if the object is too easy to hide and too hard to reveal, so we are experimenting with this by providing a range of objects, from things that make noise, to objects of varying sizes. I predict that the noisy objects might be more preferable and feasible for the game, but the smaller objects might also work if they can easily fall out from where they are hidden.
- What movement/position should each team be restricted to, if any? Do they need to be allowed more or less flexibility in movement/position?
This particularly focuses on the assumption that our two groups would be standing some distance apart. Depending on the situation, it might be too easy for one team to visibly deduce where someone has hidden an object, and so the current test is to have that team stand in one area, facing those on the other team. They are not allowed to move about, and only the other team will be moving a lot (as members on that team will be performing actions). With this, we will test if it is good to keep this restriction, or to change the movement/positioning of the team. Hopefully our idea of how the game is implemented in practice works well in the game, but it could be that our assumption is not universal.