What do Prototypes Prototype?

How large should the board be?

This question is important as it determines the runtime of our game, and this is critical to player engagement and retention. We will need to play-test the game on a makeshift board (ex. just pieces of paper on the ground) for 3 trials, starting with an ideal board, and expanding or retracting the number of cards on the board depending on if the game runes too long or short. I hypothesise that a 4×4 board is ideal for the game runtime.

How many players should the director be directing at once?

The number of players that a director is directing at once across the board is important in order to set the difficulty of the game. Again, the game will need to be play-tested with a simple board made up of paper cards on the floor. We will play tests with at least a test of 3 and a team of 2. I hypothesise that 2 people being directed at a time is optimal for game difficulty.

How spaced out should cards in the board be?

This is an important question as it determines the physical experience of playing the game — will players bump into each-other too much, or not at all? We will again need to play-test with a physical board. I hypothesise that the optimal distance is 1.5m between cards.

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