- Are the cards engaging enough for the players?: This is an important question to answer, because our game relies on the players constructing part of the plot of a movie based on a plot card that has blanks for them to fill in. If the plot cards are not engaging or interesting enough for the players, they may have a hard time picking cards to match and might eventually get bored. To answer this question, we will likely make a prototype that varies the length of the plot cards and the style of the plot cards to see which type of plot cards are the most engaging for players. My guess is that the plot cards with more detail and specificity will be the most engaging for players, because this enhances the comedy potential of the cards for the players to build on and laugh about.
- How can a point or penalty system enhance the game play?: This is an important question to answer, because after a few rounds, the game might get boring without the addition of some complexity and/or motivation to keep playing the game (this is where the points or penalties come in). To answer this question, we will likely make a prototype that includes having a money system where players start off with money and must pay in order to use certain words for the blanks on the plot card, or they may for example buy the ability to switch their cards out. My guess is that adding this point system with money in the game will make the game more engaging and less likely to be boring for more rounds, because players will have more options available to them in terms of actions they are able to do in the game.
- How will the quality of the cards in each player’s hand affect these players?: This is an important question to answer, because if certain players are dealt less than stellar cards, then they might feel like they have less of a chance to win the game, which could contribute to them not liking the game. Additionally, this might make the game less fun for everyone, because the plot readings will not be as funny for people to hear read out loud. To answer this question, we will likely make a prototype that has some simpler noun and action cards, as well as a prototype that has only more complex and detailed noun and action cards. My guess is that the prototype with only the more complex and detailed noun and action cards will result in players feeling like they have more of a chance to win the game, because all the cards are relatively complex and detailed instead of only some of the cards. I also think that these more complex and detailed cards will result in more funny plot constructions.