Erin Hoffman // Word, Not Sand: Mapping Dynamic Emotion Across a Product Landscape
- Games as objects
- Games as teachers
- adaptive learning experiences
- Fun as learning → not conclusive
- Game can be fun, but not learning
- Where is fun and where is learning?
- when kids are learning, something other than “fun” occurs
- Process between many emotions
- learning occurs between many emotions
- Sophia
- Cognitive mechanical process: convert fear → happiness, through surprise
- transition between two universal emotions
- bring from one state to another
- emotional research
- how do we measure emotion? very difficult; unexplored frontier
- product with a core emotion
- dynamic emotion → all emotion
- progression across emotions
- emotion is a landscape, not fixed
- design for dynamic emotion; a specific progression
- pain points: amplify pain, don’t run from it
- pain = challenge = good
- transform emotions
- pain → positive emotions
- emotion clustering
- analyze similar problems
- create a concrete system
- other experiences: flatness (traditional argumentation example)
- moment of reversal, different pathways