I played Among Us by Marcus Bromander on the iPhone. Based on my research, they target tweens and teens. I was in a game with 3 friends and 11 strangers. Regular players complete tasks, while the imposter (me) attempts to kill the players. When a dead body is found, the players go to a meeting (depicted below)
and vote for who they think is the imposter. There is a chat screen for players to share information during this time. It is similar to games like Town of Salem (voting, killing), but different because the players have free reign over the time, there aren’t defined periods. I think this makes it better because it is less formal. I thought the game was pretty fun, even though I didn’t know a lot about gameplay. I thought I did a good job as the imposter, as I killed 8 people and 4 others were voted off before I ended up losing. Getting voted off was too bad though. I would likely add more imposters to make it not be 14-1, which was difficult.