Short Exercises: what do prototypes prototype

  • Should the game be a board game or a card game?
    • This question is important to investigate what the ideal platform for the game should be and which choice is more functional. For this, two prototypes (one as a board game and one as a card game) should be created. I think a card game wouldbe the simpler and more intuitive option.
  • When would people usually play this game?
    • This question is important to see why people would be drawn to this game i.e. what type of people and what type of social setting.
  • What features / game levels are needed to progress the game forwards?
    • I would make a prototype with different game levels to see which progression works the best. This is important to determine the flow of the game and make sure that the game fulfills its role as a social get-to-know-you game.

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