Short Exercise: What do prototypes prototype?

Our game is a scenario where you are art collectors and your goal to create the highest valuation of a combination of artworks you accumulate, and you have to compete with other art collectors in the process. Some important questions:

How will players compete with one another?

This is important to answer because it determines how a winner is chosen and how we take what could be a single-player game into a multi-player dimension. We will make a prototype of various cards that players can use to steal art and buy art from one another to test this hypothesis. I believe it will turn out well in that players will enjoy being able to compete with one another rather than this being a solo, or one v one game.

How does negotiation work?

This is important because negotiation is our key game dynamic. Making sure we give this process enough time and allow for players to interact through negotiation is vital to the success of our game. We will need to prototype negotiation-stimulating cards in our game, such as cards with questions that prompt players to negotiate. I think it will take some time to get the negotiation dynamics right because it’s tough to ensure perfect gameplay right off the bat, but over time we hope to achieve a fun and whimsical negotiation environment.

How will art be valued?

In the real world the value of art changes quite a bit, so in our game, how will we determine its value? This is important because we must do this properly to ensure players feel like the game is fair. We will prototype a bidding mechanism or auction of sorts to determine art value. I think this will be successful because auctions are generally good at price discovery and will play this role in the game!


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