Short Exercise: What do Prototypes Prototype

Ideas for prototypes for “Pitch Perfect”

Potential questions prototypes might answer

  1. How long will it take people to come up with a good enough pitch?
    1. this is important to answer as it will determine how long to make the timer last for the actual game.
    2. the prototype that could answer this is giving people a card with a company on it and trying various times for them to come up with a pitch
    3. i think 2 minutes will be enough time but not too much time so the pitch won’t be perfect (which is what we want)
  2. Can VC’s ever guess which company if fake if everyone has some idea on their card?
    1. this is important because this is a crucial mechanic of the game and if the VC can never guess correctly, we might have to rethink this mechanic
    2. we will make three cards, one of which has a fake company on it. we will get various sets of players to play the game and see how often the VC guesses the bluffer correctly. We don’t want them to guess correctly every time, but we want them to guess correctly with some confidence some times.
    3. i think that there isn’t going to be a way for the VC to know the bluffer, and giving the bluffer a blank card
  3. How many rounds will people want to play?
    1. this is important because we don’t want to have the same problem Monopoly has where no one finishes the game
    2. allow people to play for however long they want, not saying that there is an end point to the game and see how long it lasts
    3. i think people will want to play around 4 rounds

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