Final Class Reflection; Amy Zhou

Making friends through game design and playing games together has been an incredibly fulfilling and transformative experience for me during my time in the 247G class. Initially drawn to the course by my passion for gaming, I embarked on this journey with little expectation of the social connections it would bring. However, as the class progressed, I discovered that game design and play offered not only a creative outlet but also a powerful platform for building meaningful relationships and fostering a sense of community.

Before diving into the course, my perspective on gaming was largely solitary. While I enjoyed immersing myself in virtual worlds and exploring game mechanics on my own, I had yet to fully appreciate the social potential of gaming. However, as I delved deeper into the world of game design alongside my classmates, I quickly realized that collaboration and shared experiences were at the heart of what made gaming truly special.

Throughout the class, collaborative assignments and projects became the cornerstone of our interactions. Working alongside my peers to brainstorm ideas, refine designs, and prototype games provided not only valuable insights into game development but also opportunities to connect with others on a personal level. These collaborative efforts fostered a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among classmates, laying the foundation for genuine friendships to blossom.

Beyond the confines of the classroom, playing games together became a natural extension of our shared interests. Whether it was organizing multiplayer sessions, participating in gaming tournaments, or simply discussing our favorite games during breaks, gaming became a common language that brought us closer together. Despite the physical distance that separated us, virtual gaming environments provided a space where we could laugh, strategize, and bond over shared experiences.

One particular memory stands out vividly in my mind: a late-night gaming session with a group of classmates where we gathered at my place to play the game we had designed, “Pitch Perfect.” As we navigated through the funny world we had created, laughter filled the room as inside jokes and friendly banter flowed freely. It was a moment of pure joy and camaraderie, where the lines between the game and reality blurred, and the bonds of friendship grew even stronger.

Through game design and playing games together, I not only deepened my understanding of game mechanics and design principles but also cultivated lasting friendships that have enriched my overall experience in the class. These friendships have provided support, encouragement, and a sense of belonging that have made the learning journey all the more enjoyable and rewarding. Moving forward, I am excited to continue nurturing these friendships and exploring the world of game design and play alongside my peers, knowing that the bonds we’ve formed will endure far beyond the confines of the classroom.

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