What do Prototypes Prototype? — Naima Patel

How far is too far for strangers to simulate a relationship?

This question is important because it has already come up many times while brainstorming. If we ask strangers to simulate a relationship, at what point will the game grow uncomfortable? To prototype this, we will make a range of game cards that feature varying levels of risky questions. While playing, we can judge the social dynamics and adjust accordingly. My guess is that most of the questions will be received well as they are fun-spirited, and that maybe we should steer clear of intimacy questions. 


How should we determine initial pairs?

This is important because who players are teamed with completely determines their experience with the game. To prototype this, we will test matching systems with varying levels of randomness. One option is to flip coins or guess numbers and see who is closest. Another is to ask a question and see who has the most in common to facilitate an initial connection. My guess is that the less random the pairs are, the more enjoyable it will be. 


How will the recoupling system work?

This is important because it is a very fun feature that adds a level of excitement to the game, but done wrong, it can ruin the game’s dynamics. To prototype this, we will play one round with this addition and one round without it. We will then determine if the excitement the recoupling causes is worth the potential confusion and ambiguity. My guess is that it’ll be a welcome addition that actually makes the pairs become closer friends, which is the end goal!

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