What do Prototypes Prototype?

How many decks should there be? In other words, what is the most engaging and clear way to integrate the concept of levels within a card game?

For this question, this helps us better plan out what exactly the main objective of our game is, and whether or not we will have sub objectives that help build up to that primary one. To see this physically, we’ll cut out cards and play a round to understand what dynamics are created and cut whatever is not necessary. I think we will need different levels of objectives. This will make a card game more interesting and multilayered.

How many players should it be?

For this question, this helps us understand the scope of the what should engineer. It will help us get a clearer sense of how many resources we need and how long a round and the game is. To see this physically, we’ll literally create a cheap version of the game with its basic mechanics and play test is with groups of various sizes. I predict that we will only need the standard 4-5 players for this game.

Is there a combat element?

For this question, this helps us figure out how we want players to interact with each other. We were debating between negotiation, alliance, disruption, or some combination between them. With a cheap mockup of the game, we can create specific cards that invite these interactions and play test each of them to see which one works the best. I hope we narrow it down to a combination of all three.


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