Short Exercise: What do prototypes prototype?

Our team (team 23) is planning to make an improv-style game. Each person will be assigned a role and a goal, randomly, while various events will happen to disrupt the round.

  1. How do we want each of the roles to interact with each other?
    • The core dynamic of the game will be the player interaction. We want to balance cooperation and competition, since each player is trying to fulfill their goal and needs to interact with other players in order to do so.
    • We should start by creating an implementation prototype with some sample roles, assigning them goals, and playing a round ourselves.
    • I think this might start off very convoluted, and we might need to narrow the scope of the roles and goals so that they can interact in a productive and interesting way.
  2. What kind of color palette should our game have?
    • The colors of our game will affect how players react to it.
    • We can create a look and feel prototype with cards and colors.
    • I hope we can create distinctive cards but with a cohesive design.
  3. How do we want events to affect players?
    • We need to think about how much or little events will affect player interactions, goals, and behavior.
    • We can create some sample events and compare them to the roles and goals. We can prototype by having the design team play out a round.
    • I think the events should adjust player relationships and the ways they approach their goals to varying degrees.

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