What do Prototypes Prototype? Amy Zhou

  • How can our game provide a unique experience to players?
    • Why is this an important question to answer?
      • Identifying the unique role or purpose of the game ensures it fills a specific niche or satisfies a particular need among players, setting it apart from competitors.
    • What type of prototype will you make to answer this question?
      • A role prototype would be used, focusing on conceptualizing and testing the game’s core idea, mechanics, and narrative without detailed graphics or fully implemented features.
    • What is your guess about how it will turn out? (the practice of prediction grows your intuition)
      • By focusing on innovative gameplay mechanics or a compelling story, players will find the game uniquely engaging compared to others in the genre.
  • What look and feel will be most engaging for our target audience? [not fully decided on target audience just yet]
    • Why is this an important question to answer?
      • The aesthetic and sensory experience of the game, including its visual style, sound design, and user interface, significantly impacts player engagement and satisfaction.
    • What type of prototype will you make to answer this question?
      • A look and feel prototype, emphasizing the game’s visual style, sound, UI/UX design, and overall aesthetics, possibly through a series of interactive mock-ups or a vertical slice of the game.
    • What is your guess about how it will turn out? (the practice of prediction grows your intuition)
      • Tailoring the look and feel to match the preferences of the target audience will increase immersion and player retention.
  • How effective are our onboarding and tutorial systems at teaching new players the game mechanics?
    • Why is this an important question to answer?
      • Ensuring new players can quickly learn and enjoy the game is essential for retention, especially in games with complex mechanics or unconventional gameplay.
    • What type of prototype will you make to answer this question?
      • A focused prototype on the onboarding and tutorial experience, integrating both instructional design and interactive elements to educate players effectively.
    • What is your guess about how it will turn out? (the practice of prediction grows your intuition)
      • Iterative testing and refinement of the tutorial systems will lead to an onboarding experience that is both informative and engaging, reducing player frustration and dropout rates!

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