Adrian Rivas – Introduce Yourself

Hi, everyone!

My name is Adrián Rivas and I use He/Him pronouns.

My favorite game of all time is Minecraft on PC. I find myself returning to it whenever my interest in other titles inevitably wanes. The best part of the game is its active modding community. If the vanilla gameplay ever starts to feel too repetitive, you can always browse the forums for new mod packs to explore. These mod packs introduce new technology, agriculture, decorations, quests, gear, and more. Recently, I’ve been working on automating my ore processing network in the FTB Revelations mod pack for Minecraft 1.12.2. The game progression in this mod pack is slower than vanilla and self-rewarding, slowly strengthening your character and gaining new abilities by investing your resources according to whatever strategy you choose: mining, farming, questing, etc. No matter what I am doing, it feels like I’m making some progress because every item has a purpose and use. If you don’t need something, you can always burn it for energy. Overall, it provides a solid foundation for the community to build upon and mine, craft, and explore endlessly. Playing with friends is always a blast.

Recently, I’ve been playing Rocket League with friends on PC. If you haven’t heard of it before, you can essentially think of it as “soccer with cars”, where the cars substitute the human players. The car you control has a “boost” which increases your speed and can help you become airborne. There are no “outs”; the entire field is encapsulated in an impenetrable square dome. The default game mode involves  3V3 teams with a 5-minute time limit; whoever scores the most goals by the end wins. Although the concept is simple, the game mechanics and “meta” strategies can become difficult to execute. Often, this leads to many interesting, chaotic games filled with cross-field buzzer-beaters and crazy close last-second saves. When you score a goal, there is a satisfying goal explosion that pushes all nearby players away. The maps, car cosmetic skins, and effects are all vividly colorful and pleasing to look at. I’ve been playing competitive ranked games and find progressing through the ranks fulfilling. Challenging my friends to private matches keeps me competitive. The gameplay is fast-paced and has a learning curve that is not too hard to get over after becoming familiar with how the cars handle.

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