We are prototyping a modification of “Guess Who”. Our core idea right now is guessing “stereotypes” or “assumptions” about other players and voting if the group thinks they are true. If the assumption gets over 1/2 of the group votes as “True”, the author reveals themself and the accused discusses if they feel it is true.
Is this game conducive to anti-social behavior?
This question is important to answer as stereotypes can be quite offensive and off-putting. We should explore what language we want to use: I think “assumptions” is a good approach and will avoid more offensive and exclusionary language while keeping the game exciting.
What kind of groups should enjoy this game?
This question is quite important as we need to understand our target market. We want to pilot our game with close friends groups and regular-closeness friend groups. I am thinking regular-closeness friend groups will come out closer or more at odds if there is an off-putting assumptions.
Should we add an element of deception?
This question could add to gameplay intensity and interestingness, which inherently correlates with popularity — quite important. We want to pilot earning a point if you can convince the group the assumption you wrote about yourself on someone else alongside just rewarding the original matching mechanism. I think the deceptive element will add a layer of excitement and will help the game be more repeatable.