Critical Play: Is this game balanced?

The game I played is Ticket to Ride Rails and Sails. This is my all-time favorite game and is so memorable because of its fine balance between game objects. The game has all transitive, intransitive, and fruity objects. The different colors train/boat cards and rainbow cards are transitive objects. Rainbow cards are more powerful than other cards as they can be used for any color or type of tracks. However, it is more expensive. During every turn, if players choose to draw locomotive cards, they can draw two cards of train or boat as long as they are not rainbow cards. If players want to draw rainbow cards that are already flipped over on the deck, then they can only draw one. Therefore, players are guaranteed to receive something very valuable and versatile, but at cost. 


I think the intransitive objects of the game are the ways that players can win points. Players get points for each track they put down. However, the points that they can receive depend on the length of the track. Therefore, players can either put down fewer long tracks or more short tracks. They can also fulfill more shorter route cards or fewer longer route cards. There is no guarantee on which strategy is better or will win the game. 


The fruity objects are choices that players have for each turn. Players can draw locomotive cards that they can use to put down tracks later in the game, draw route cards that can help them decide which tracks to pursue to gain extra points, put down tracks, or trade boats for trains or vice versa. These options are hard to compare directly with each other but they all count as a turn. 

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