The following are several questions our various game Prototypes might answer for our game, Risky Quizness:
1. How many different categories of quiz questions are optimal?
- This is an important question to answer in order to find the balance between players being overwhelmed by too many categories or bored by too few categories. Finding a balance can help engage players
- To answer this question, we will prototype five different categories with an online spinner featuring the categories. Based on the reactions from the players, we can shift the number of categories if needed.
- My guess for how this will turn out is that the players will be engaged with five categories because it seems to offer variety without being too overwhelming.
2. Should the phases where players can defend their answers and debate have a time limit in order to move the game along, or should the game flow freely without a time limit between phases? If we have a time limit, how long should it be?
- This is an important question to answer since the timing and flow of the game can greatly affect the game dynamics and the interactions between the players.
- To answer this question, we will prototype by using an online tool to time the defending phase to 10 seconds and the debate phase to 20 seconds.
- My guess for how this will turn out is that the time limits will help the game move along quicker. However, the limits might restrict player discussion or could be tedious for the players to keep track of.
3. Will the players have an easy time keeping score?
- This is an important question to answer because too many mechanics can detract from the core of the game, so we want it to be easy for the players to keep score.
- To answer this question, we will prototype by having players keep the cards that they answer correctly which have different point values instead of having an in-game currency.
- My guess for how this will turn out is the game won’t feel as cluttered without the currency component, but there may be some difficulties with the betting mechanic since different cards have different point values and with tallying the points up at the end.
4. Will players feel incentivized to guess correctly?
- This is an important question to answer because without incentivization, the players will be less engaged with the game and there would be less interaction.
- To answer this question, we will prototype by offering an incentive for players to guess correctly by offering them cards for each correct guess which counts to the final total.
- My guess for how this will turn out is the players would feel more incentivized to guess correctly, but there may be confusion with the system of keeping track of correct guesses.
5. How many rounds should this game last?
- This is an important question to answer because the answer helps define the structure of the game and the answer will help inform how many cards to make.
- To answer this question, we will prototype allowing the players to stop when they feel like they have played enough.
- My guess for how this will turn out is the players will feel like they have played enough after about five rounds.