MDA & 8 Kinds of Fun:

I love playing Cards Against Humanity with my friends. The mechanics I want to focus on are the decisions players have to make. Specifically, one person deciding who wins each round, and then having that person change each round based on who won the previous round. Each player chooses to play a card that fits into the description card that is turned face up each round. The winner then keeps the description card, and the ostensible goal is to end up with the most cards.

This creates a dynamic where every person is engaged in the game. I find that to be really beneficial because it ensures there is no one in a group that is left out of the game. Additionally, it makes it so people coming and going is feasible. More important, though, is the dynamic created by the players attempting to win each round. By having them think about what another member of the group would like and then make a choice as to what card to play, it creates fellowship amongst the players. I especially like games that are fun due to fellowship because I feel like it makes the game more tangible to real life, as it serves to deepen relationships.


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