Florence was a quick 30-minute play on iOS, and I really enjoyed it. There were a few interactive mechanics that I think really added to the storytelling of Florence and Krish’s relationship as it unfolds and then crumples – here are my thoughts on them.
I think music is an important aspect of the game – after all, music is what first draws Florence to Krish. I actually played the game without music for about ten minutes, before realizing that my phone was on silent (oof). Replaying it with music, I found the bike crash scene to be much more poignant – you are not only interacting with this mechanic of tuning the blurry image to a clear one, but also the sound as well. It goes from muffled and staticy to clear and bright, which I think does a great job of emphasizing the magic moment of clarity and beauty when Florence looks up to see Krish, this guy she has a crush on.
Word Bubbles
The mechanic of piecing together word bubbles really shows the arc of Florence and Krish’s relationship. I love that on their first few dates, as time passes, the bubbles become easier and easier to complete, representing the flow of conversation that grows more natural with time. It helps to express how comfortable Florence becomes with Krish without needing to explicitly write it out.
During the arguments as well, I like that the bubbles need to be put together and it’s not turn-based like the date conversations were – it speaks to how difficult it can be to piece together a response when you’re angry, and that the person you’re arguing with isn’t going to wait for you. I think it was especially interesting that you could choose not to say anything during the argument, and have Krish just yell at you – you can choose to either yell back or close yourself off, just like in a real argument.
Mundane Actions
Brushing teeth and matching numbers is a really simple and kind of boring mechanic – but I think that was the point. These actions were added to describe how unexciting Florence’s solitary life is, and in the peak of her relationship these mechanics are lessened to emphasize how euphoric it can be to be with someone. I think the contrast is a great way to show Florence’s emotional state and to advance the stages of their relationship! When these mundane things get added back, it also shows how their relationship is degrading. Teeth brushing and number matching aren’t the most fun or satisfying mechanics, but I think they’re used wisely to represent when Florence feels the monotony of life.
The act of putting items in storage and placing Krish’s items as he moves in were also really mundane, but stood out to me quite a bit. The mechanic puts the decisions into the user’s hands – the game doesn’t say we need to keep x of your (Florence’s) items and x of Krish’s items – you just have to decide. I found myself reflecting on the fact that I stored most of Florence’s items to make room for Krish’s. Why did I feel the need to do that? Was I making too much space for Krish? How does this speak to my own role in a relationship? It got kind of real lol. So, I think this really simple mechanic led to some interesting decision-making and self-reflection, which didn’t necessarily advance Florence and Krish’s story, but can get the player into that mindset of thinking about relationships, love, and sacrifice. Wild.