Critical Play – Play Like a Feminist – Super Smash Bros

Super Smash Bros, created by Masahiro Sakurai and developed by Nintendo, is able to be played on many platforms including the Wii, Nintendo Switch.

Central Argument: The inclusion of well designed characters like Princess Peach and Bayonetta in Super Smash Bros. highlights the potential of feminist game design to create more inclusive and empowering gaming experiences. However, the game falls short of achieving true gender equality, as the majority of characters are male, and many female characters are ambiguously gendered or lack distinctiveness. By increasing the number of clearly defined and diverse female characters, Super Smash Bros could better fulfill its potential as a platform for feminist representation and empowerment. 

Characters like Princess Peach and Bayonetta represent strong female characters, but they are part of a roster where around 60% of the characters are male. This disparity underscores the persistent issue of gender imbalance in the game. Additionally, many female characters in Super Smash Bros are ambiguously gendered, often wearing suits or having indistinguishable features. This ambiguity dilutes the impact of their representation, failing to provide strong, clear portrayals of femininity. 

Playing as Princess Peach introduces unique gameplay mechanics that can be seen as empowering. Her floating jump and turnip attack offer alternative methods of combat that contrast with the typically aggressive play styles of many male characters. This variety in play styles challenges the dominant masculine norms in fighting games, showcasing how feminist game design can create more inclusive experiences. Princess Peach’s ability to use Toad as a counter move demonstrates her resourcefulness and strength, making her a powerful character in her own right. These mechanics provide players with alternative approaches to combat, emphasizing strategy and creativity over brute force.

The design and inclusion of characters like Princess Peach and Bayonetta show how feminist perspectives can enhance game design by introducing diverse and empowering play styles and narratives. For example, Bayonetta’s complex, stylish combat mechanics highlight her confidence and power, subverting traditional gender roles by presenting her as both a formidable fighter and a character with a rich backstory rooted in her witch heritage. The Wii Fit Trainer offers a unique perspective with moves based on exercises from the Wii Fit app, breaking away from typical combat-centric mechanics and showcasing a creative, different form of strength. This aligns with Chess’s argument that feminist storytelling and representation are crucial for dismantling hegemonic masculinity. To fully realize this potential, Super Smash Bros needs to include more clearly defined female characters whose set of moves showcases their background and story. This would not only improve representation but could provide players with a wider range of empowering role models.

This process would involve designing characters with diverse cultural backgrounds, body types, and abilities to reflect the variety of female experiences. Providing deeper backstories and more complex character development for female fighters would enhance their representation and contribute to a more equitable gaming experience. 

I made a list of some female characters I would love to see in the game along with their backstory and abilities

  1. Ms. Pac-Man:
    1. Backstory: Ms. Pacman’s mazes were more varied and complex than Pacmans. It would offer a different and more challenge experiences
    2. Abilities: 
      1. Speed Boost: Move through the map really fast, emphasizing agility and strategic movement
      2. Power pellets: Reflective the one’s in the game. I don’t think Pac-Man has the ability.
      3. Fruits/Items: Can generate fruits and items for buffs. Reflects resourcefulness. 
  2. Kamela 
    1. Backstory: From the Mario series, Kamela is a powerful witch and a boss character who challenges traditional gender roles with her quest for power and influence.
    2. Abilities:
      1. Magic Spells: Uses magical attacks like fireballs and projectiles.
      2. Summoning Minions: Calls smaller enemies to assist in battle.
      3. Teleportation: Teleports short distances for strategic repositioning.
  3. Dixie Kong
    1. Backstory: From Donkey Kong Country 2, Dixie Kong is known for her determination and loyalty, embodying resilience and teamwork as she helps her friends overcome obstacles.
    2. Abilities:
      1. Hair Whirlwind: Attacks enemies and interacts with the environment using her ponytail.
      2. Glide: Uses her ponytail to glide through the air, reaching distant platforms.
      3. Team-Up Moves: Performs powerful team-up moves, emphasizing cooperation and partnership.

While Super Smash Bros has made strides in including strong female characters, it must address the gender imbalance and ambiguity in its character roster to truly embrace feminist game design. By doing so, it can provide a more inclusive and empowering gaming experience for all players, aligning with the goals of feminist storytelling and representation. 

Discussion Question: How can the inclusion of more female characters with unique backstories and abilities, such as Ms. Pac-Man, Kamela, and Dixie Kong, enhance the representation and empowerment of women in video games? Additionally, what specific characteristics or abilities should be prioritized to ensure these characters contribute to a more inclusive and feminist game design?

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