P2C1 Individual Team Member Deliverable: Team 16 – Lucien

Spotify Playlist

Directions the game could go:

  • Narrative heavy
    • Little challenge, focus on the writing and character design. Implement basic character controller stuff and then focus on art and environmental storytelling.
    • Embedded storytelling
    • Focus on fantasy, discovery, and narrative types of fun
  • Puzzle heavy
    • Main focus on level design, especially puzzle design. Implement lots of different mechanics to involve in the puzzles.
    • Enacted storytelling
    • Focus on challenge
  • Action/reaction time focused
    • Lots of timed challenges: move through the teeth of a gear without letting it crush you, etc.
    • Potentially easier level design as the challenge comes from skill instead of intelligence so level designers aren’t required to outthink players
    • Perhaps a larger focus on platforming
    • Probably also enacted storytelling
    • Focus on challenge again

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