Short Exercise: What do Prototypes Prototype? (Hamidou Guechtouli)

  1. How effectively do the dynamic rule changes and objectives enhance gameplay variety and replayability?
    • This is an important question to answer because measuring the impact of dynamic rules and objectives helps us evaluate their effectiveness in keeping the game fresh.
    • Using some of our dynamic rulesets we brainstormed in comparison to testing without them.
    • I believe some of the dynamic rules will add to the depth of the game and make it more replayable, but players may get overwhelmed with complexity and we may need to tone down some ideas.
  2. How long it takes players to get accustomed to the various goals of the game, (different pizza recipes and point combinations)?
    • This is an important question to answer because it will show us if our game is too easy/too hard.
    • We would have people play the game a few times until we notice that players are sabotaging others well, or easily able to keep track of what other players are trying to achieve. Have players think out loud potentially.
    • I believe there will be enough complexity that players will simply start out trying to make their own pizzas as quickly as possible and not be very worried about what other players are doing, but as time goes on players will quickly adapt. I believe the game falls in the middle ground for a party game, not brainless but not very difficult/high stakes.
  3. How much currency is a good amount to allocate at the beginning of the game (if any) and throughout the game (if any again)?
    • This is an important question to answer because it will show us how to structure our game so that we don’t make it too short/too long based on currency distributions, and also don’t make it too easy/hard to build a pizza with too little/too much currency. We want to increase dependence on the chance and other dynamic rules too, but the base pizza making through buying ingredients should still be a big part of the game.
    • We would try distributing different currency amounts at the beginnings of games and seeing how each game plays out differently. We’d also try systems where each player gets some currency at the start of their turn, or gets bonus currency if they accomplish objectives/reach milestones in pizza building.
    • I believe a good system will incorporate a small amount of currency in the beginning, which builds up over each turn.

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