Caleb Liu – Short Exercise: What do Prototypes Prototype?

Description of game: A team-based get-to-know-you game where players bid to answer embarrassing or difficult questions from a shared pool to earn points. The objective is to be the first to accumulate X number of points. 

Question 1: How Can We Balance Question Difficulty with Point Rewards?

  • Importance: Balancing question difficulty with the amount of points rewarded is important for fairness and to maintain player engagement. It encourages players to take risks for higher rewards but also ensures the game remains competitive and fun for everyone.
  • Prototype Type: A physical prototype with a wide range of question cards categorized by difficulty and associated point values. This prototype would allow for testing different balances of risk and reward. It will also see what type of questions people think are more risky or difficult to answer.
  • Prediction: A sliding scale of difficulty to point value will likely result in more strategic gameplay. Players might opt for harder questions for a bigger payoff, leading to more dynamic and exciting game sessions.

Question 2: What Mechanisms Can Be Introduced to Prevent Player Discomfort with Sensitive Topics?

  • Importance: Given the mature content, it’s vital to introduce mechanisms that allow players to feel safe and respected. Ensuring players’ comfort will enhance the game experience and encourage openness within the bounds of personal limits.
  • Prototype Type: A physical prototype incorporating “veto” cards or a “challenge” system where players can skip questions or challenge others to answer. This can keep the game very daring but also add a boundary in the event someone is uncomfortable.
  • Prediction: Implementing such safety mechanisms will likely lead to a positive reception, as players appreciate the consideration for their comfort while still enjoying the thrill of the game.

Question 3: How Can Player Interaction Be Enhanced to Foster Team Spirit?

  • Importance: As a team-based game, maintaining a sense of camaraderie and team spirit is essential for an engaging experience.
  • Prototype Type: A physical prototype with mechanisms for team collaboration, such as team challenges or shared rewards for group bravery. This would test how shared experiences and goals can enhance team dynamics.
  • Prediction: Introducing shared goals and collaborative challenges will strengthen team bonds and elevate the overall enjoyment of the game, making it not just about individual daring but also about collective effort and support. It may introduce some more nuanced strategy too.

Question 4: What is the Optimal Game Duration for Keeping Engagement High Without Causing Fatigue?

  • Importance: Finding the right balance in game duration is critical to keep players engaged without causing fatigue, especially in a game involving potentially emotionally charged questions.
  • Prototype Type: A physical prototype with variable game lengths determined by different point totals required to win. Testing sessions with various point goals (which will affect game duration) can help identify the optimal game duration that keeps players interested and engaged throughout.
  • Prediction: A duration of 10-15 minutes, with adjustments based on the number of players and question difficulty, will likely offer the best balance between engagement and comfort.

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