Short Exercise: What do Prototypes Prototype?

  • 1. “What role will the game play in a user’s life?”
    • Importance: To ensure the game meets the needs of the target audience, using a role prototype to visualize its function in players’ lives.
    • Prediction: The game will integrate seamlessly into users’ routines, providing value aligned with their interests.
  • 2. “How will the game’s interface and interaction design affect the player experience?”
    • Importance: To gauge user engagement and satisfaction through a look and feel prototype focusing on aesthetics and usability.
    • Prediction: A well-designed interface will significantly increase player engagement and satisfaction.
  • 3. “What are the technical feasibility and performance of the game’s core mechanics?”
    • Importance: To assess if the game’s mechanics can be implemented smoothly, using an implementation prototype to test key functionalities.
    • Prediction: Insights from this prototype will guide the technical development, ensuring the game delivers the desired complexity and polish.

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