MDA & 8 Kinds of Fun: Spiritfarer

Spiritfarer, according to its Steam page, is a “cozy management sim about dying”. To me, it is that and so much more. In the game, you play as Stella, who is a ferry master to the dead and helps the creatures on her boat with their unfinished business along with her cat Daffodil. The game has resource management, including gathering materials, crafting items, cooking food, gardening, and more, that help you improve the boat you run and the afterlives of its inhabitants. Eventually, you complete enough tasks and quests to satisfy one of the boat’s inhabitants and they can pass on through the Everdoor (shown in the featured image). Players can sail around the world, meet sea serpents, explore caves, and much more in the game; however, the mechanics that keep me most engaged are the relationship mechanics.

(example image of ship)

As you meet each character, you can fulfill their needs like conversation, eating, and sleep. However, you can also gradually learn about their individual lives and struggles and what is holding them back from moving on. It is incredibly touching to see someone’s life piece by piece and to try your best to meet the needs they have. The dialog between characters is essential, and the fact that you must meet goals to access it keeps me continually engaged. The goals differ based on how much you know the character, from figuring out their favorite dishes to visiting their old homes. I can (and have) played this game for hours to explore the intricate stories of various characters before saying one final goodbye.

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