(set: $slowTransition to (transition:"shudder") + (transition-time: 2s))
You wake up in your cabin.
(t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:1s)[//Its been thirteen days... //]
{(live: 3s)[
[[Get Out of Bed]]
(set: $list to (history:))
(if: $list does not contain "Get Out of Bed")[
You get out of your bed, and once again almost hit your head on the ceiling.<br><br>
//This place has kept me alive.//<br><br>
(live: 3s)[
(transition:"dissolve")[Your [[diary]] is tossed on the floor. A crackling [[radio]] lies beside it. Crammed under your bed, your [[dog]] stares at you while he wags his tail.]
You get out of your bed, and once again almost hit your head on the ceiling.<br><br>
//This place has kept me alive.//<br><br>
Your [[diary]] is tossed on the floor. (if: $list contains "radio")[A silent [[radio]] lies beside it.](else:)[A crackling [[radio]] lies beside it.]Crammed under your bed, your (if: $list contains "dog")[dog](else:)[[dog]] stares at you while he wags his tail.
(set: $list to (history:))
(if: $list contains "diary" and $list contains "radio" and $list contains "dog")[
It's almost noon. Maybe you can see something besides water today... the [[door]] sways open with the flow of the tide.
][[Day 1]]
[[Day 5]]
[[Write an Entry]]
[[Toss the Diary|Get Out of Bed]]"Woof woof!" he barks.
I know buddy, I love you too.
As you pull out a biscuit to feed your dog, your stomach starts to grumble. You haven't eaten in a long time...
[[Give your dog a biscuit and skip breakfast->Dog Ate]]
[[Eat the biscuit->Dog Didn't Eat]]
(set: $rodPickedUp to false)
(if: $dogAte)
[After eating his biscuit, your dog wags his tail and follows you outside](else:)
[It seems as though your dog is too tired to follow you outside... He whines and curls up under your bed.]
The sun is blinding as it reflects on the water.
No luck today... the water once again dominates your vision.
//I need food.//
[[Go to the Back of the boat|Check Your Sail]]
[[walk towards your fishing deck]](if: $rodPickedUp)
[You start fishing
(t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:2s)[//that's a weird sound for a fish. //]
{(live: 3s)[
[[Investigate|Open it]]
[Hmmm... if only I could fish [[Go Back|door]]]
It's a bottle. There seems to be something inside.
(link: "Open it")[
//166 MHz...//
(t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:2s)[//that must mean something//]
[[Keep Fishing]]
[[Go Back Inside]] You place the [[bottle]] by your bed. There's nothing to do Your [[Radio]] is turned off.You turn the Radio on.
Change Frequency
(In the final Version, you will have to actually write 166 to keep going)
[[166 MHz]]
[[Turn Radio Off|Go Back Inside]]//And Jesus was a sailor when He walked upon the water
And He spent a long time watching from a lonely wooden tower
And when He knew for certain only drowning men could see Him
He said all men shall be sailors then until the sea shall free them
But He himself was broken long before the sky would open
Forsaken almost human, He sank beneath your wisdom like a stone
[[Stay Silent]]
[[ Hello? Anybody there?]][[Part 2]]//And you want to travel with Him
And you want to tra--//
The song is interupted.
//Who is this?//
you hear a voice crackling on the other side of the radio.
[[I Found Your Bottle|Part 2]]
Part 2 still hasn't been written.
I Need to take out from notes and add all my variables and make it clean. Will do this today. SsshhhhSSshhhSSsshhhhSSshhhSSsshhhhSSshhhS
[[Turn Radio Off|Get Out of Bed]](set: $radioOn to false)
(link: "Check Sail")[
It's seen better days...
(t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:1s)[//How did it not collapse?//]
(link: "Pick up Fishing Rod")[
(set: $rodPickedUp to true)
You picked up the fishing rod.
[[walk towards your fishing deck]]
(t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:1s)[//It's pretty lonely in here. I miss my family... //]
(t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:3s)[//They could be anywhere. //]
(t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:5s)[//I hope they're alive. //]
{(live: 7s)[
[[Read Another Entry|diary]]
]}(t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:1s)[//They told me this would never happen. //]
(t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:3s)[Why did I agree to work for them? Thank God they gave me enough money to buy this boat. ]
(t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:7s)[//I probably would've drowned. //]
{(live: 9s)[
[[Read Another Entry|diary]]
]}(force-input-box:"=XX=","Is this my fault? How can I even blame myself though... If I hadn't said yes, someone else would've... Maybe I'm just saying this so I feel less guilty, idk.....")
[[Read Another Entry|diary]]Wait, what the fuck. Are you the researcher.
// Your Body Freezes //
[[ Ummm... I have to go ]] (set: $dogAte to true)
(goto: "Get Out of Bed")(set: $dogAte to false)
(goto: "Get Out of Bed")must developThe message reads:
//166 MHz...//
(t8n:"blur")+(t8n-delay:2s)[//that must mean something//]
[[place bottle back|Go Back Inside]]